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The company has received the highest sustainability scores from the MSCI ESG Ratings and a leading position in the FTSE4Good Index series
Coca-Cola HBC has received the highest sustainability scores from the MSCI ESG Ratings for the ninth year running. The distinction for the company comes from one of the most highly recognized rankings among investors that measures the way an organization manages financially significant ESG risks and opportunities, with Coca-Cola HBC once again being rated the highest - AAA.
In addition to the distinction from MSCI ESG Ratings, in June 2023, Coca-Cola HBC was once again included in the FTSE4Good Index series, receiving the highest score in the beverage industry. FTSE4Good Ratings are based on performance in areas such as Corporate Governance, Health & Safety, Anti-Corruption, Climate Change, Water Security, and Human Rights. These ratings confirm the company's status as one of the global sustainability leaders in the beverage industry with top ratings in the most important global ESG benchmarks.
Coca-Cola HBC welcomed 2023 with two more significant recognitions. It was named an industry leader by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and received the highest score of all the more than 7 800 companies in 61 sectors recognized in the S&P Sustainability Yearbook.
In addition to its achievements at the global level, locally Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria is also making steady progress towards meeting the commitment to achieve zero net emissions across its entire production chain by 2040. In February this year, the Coca-Cola System announced that it was the first in Bulgaria to begin introducing tethered closures to plastic bottles for its entire soft drinks portfolio, in order to make it easier to collect and recycle all its packaging. In addition, 100% of the packaging of all Coca-Cola products in the country is now recyclable, and the company has also managed to reduce its direct carbon emissions by 30% in 2020 and 2021, saving over 90 000 tonnes of emissions from its overall operations in the country. Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria has thus successfully met two of the long-term targets it had set for itself locally by 2025 ahead of schedule.
At the same time, as part of the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria is implementing and planning a number of improvements to make water consumption more responsible throughout its supply chain. Evidence of these efforts is the record 16% reduction in water consumption at Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria's production centers in Kostinbrod and Bankya. The company also achieved 100% recycling of all waste from its production activities at its Bankya plant, which also boasts 100% green electricity consumption.
In 2023, Coca-Cola HBC is also working on the implementation of a number of innovations and investments worth over BGN 17 million at its two plants in Kostinbrod and Bankya, focusing much of its efforts on continuously improving energy efficiency, reducing its carbon footprint, and optimising its resources.
The company's performance in the country goes hand in hand with the Group's global achievements, which by the end of 2022 has managed to reduce its emissions by 15% compared to the 2017 baseline, which is ahead of its commitments. Over the past 12 years, Coca-Cola HBC has halved its direct emissions and reduced emissions across its three scopes by 30%. In the first half of 2023, the Group also exceeded its Mission 2025 target of ensuring 50% of coolers in the markets are energy efficient or eco-friendly.
The company is also focused on a circular packaging production model. It recently invested €12 million in a new returnable glass bottling (RGB) line at its Edelstal, Austria plant to expand its returnable packaging solutions. This has enabled the introduction of a new 400 ml return and resealable glass bottle, which also contributes to the circular economy of packaging. The line is energy and water efficient, and the investment is an important step in the organization's commitment to achieving net zero emissions across its entire production chain by 2040.
Coca-Cola HBC recently joined The Coca-Cola Company and seven other bottling partners from around the world to set up a first-of-its-kind, sustainability-focused venture capital fund of $137.7 million.