By the Numbers

By the numbers

We team up the knowledge, resources and experience of The Coca‑Cola Company with our expertise in bottling, distribution and sales to create value for our customers, consumers and the wider community.

The Coca‑Cola System has a significant economic impact on the Bulgarian economy, expanding beyond its direct contribution. In 2023, the System:

0.5 %

of GDP - direct value added

994 mln

BGN is the support from the System to the wider Bulgarian economy

The Coca‑Cola System enables substantial tax payments along its value chain:

50 mln

BGN paid in taxes in 2023

371 mln

BGN supported by the System indirectly. The amount equals 1% of Bulgaria’s tax income.

The Coca‑Cola System provides high-quality employment and is associated with a substantial number of jobs in the wider economy:




jobs across the value chain supported by The Coca-Cola System

4 jobs

are indirectly supported in Bulgarian economy by one job at The Coca-Cola System

TCCS_Socio-Economic-Impact-03 TCCS_Socio-Economic-Impact-03