
Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria joins the Charter on Diversity

The company is committed to taking further steps in terms of diversity and equal opportunities

The Charter on Diversity is a document voluntarily signed by a company or public institution in order to take responsibility for taking steps to implement policies on diversity and equality of opportunity regardless of gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, age, religion or ethnicity. The Charter expresses the shared conviction of the signatories that diversity is not only a key factor for creativity, innovation, growth and productivity, but also a personal incentive for employees to improve their knowledge, competencies, talents and skills. In the week that Coca-Cola HBC dedicates to Diversity and Inclusion, the company in Bulgaria joins the Charter as a natural continuation of the values ​​​and the culture it supports and develops.

The Charter on Diversity in Bulgaria aims to promote social inclusion and equal opportunities for all employees by promoting the values ​​of diversity and introducing inclusive practices in the workplace.

As part of the European Platform for Diversity Charters, the Bulgarian Charter offers its members knowledge, tools and skills development trainings to encourage them to develop and implement policies and practical steps to ensure an equal opportunity for everyone in the workplace.