Quality & food safety policy


Quality & food safety policy

Our quality & food safety policy is set out below. It is owned and endorsed by the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors; responsibility for the successful implementation of this programme belongs with every Coca‑Cola Hellenic employee at each level and function in the organisation.

Coca‑Cola Hellenic believes that success depends on the supply of high quality products, packages and services that meet or exceed customer and consumer expectations of premium brand products. Fundamental to this belief is the responsibility to ensure the food safety of all products that the Company manufactures.

The Company is committed to continually enhance the reputation of the brands it produces and maintain consumer confidence in its products through the development and implementation of quality and food safety systems, standards and practices. All Coca‑Cola Hellenic operations commit to continuous improvement, which is measured, evaluated and validated for effectiveness through internal and external audits.

The Company believes that the responsibility for achieving quality commitments lies with each Coca‑Cola Hellenic employee in the execution of their jobs and their relationship with stakeholders. Food safety is the responsibility of all employees that have direct influence on ingredients, packaging, manufacturing, storage and the transport of products.

The following food safety and quality principles are the foundation of the Coca‑Cola Hellenic commitment to quality:

  • Manufacture and deliver products that meet the highest food safety and quality standards.
  • Meet or exceed all statutory and regulatory requirements for quality and food safety.
  • Ensure sustainable food safety and quality performance through implementation and certification of effective quality management systems compliant with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005, FSSC 22000 and The Coca‑Cola Management System standards in all operations and PAS 223:2011 where applicable.
  • Validate the effectiveness of the food safety and quality management systems through internal and external audit processes recognised by the International Standards Organisation and The Coca‑Cola Company.
  • Build food safety and quality capability through structured programmes that develop technical skills, increase awareness, manage risk and drive increasing levels of excellence.
  • Continually review food safety policies, standards and procedures to effectively manage food safety risks associated with changes in products, processes and technologies.
  • Include food safety and quality strategies in the annual business planning process to ensure that food safety and quality remains an integral part of operations.
  • Set annual measurable food safety and quality objectives for all operations, and at group level, to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with all standards.
  • Ensure that suppliers and contractors embrace the same food safety and quality commitments, and monitor the materials and services they supply through audits and incoming goods inspections.
  • Communicate food safety requirements to suppliers, contractors, customers and consumers by establishing specifications for ingredients and packaging materials, product storage and consumer guidelines.
  • Communicate food safety and quality aspects, strategies and performance to associates, consumers, customers and principal stakeholders that have an impact on, or are affected by the Company’s food safety and quality management systems.